
现在是梅奥医学院的学生,Nazanin Kazemi移民到美国.S. 不知道一个英语单词
Nazanin Kazemi在UMKC毕业典礼上

Nazanin Kazemi always wanted to go to medical school and had a desire to make international collaboration a cornerstone of her career as a scientist. Kazemi recently received a Fulbright award to pursue her studies in ovarian cancer and placenta biology at the University of Geneva.  

当你听到富布赖特奖的消息时,你有什么感觉? 这对你有什么区别?

Being a Fulbright Scholar is such an incredible opportunity and I am so thankful - and still in disbelief. I really feel that being selected as a Fulbright Scholar is the realization of my "American Dream.“1999年,我和父母从伊朗搬到了美国. 我们三个人只知道两个英语单词. 我只知道怎么说,“你好。."

My education has always been their top priority and I feel like this is a culmination of their sacrifices toward my future. We live in a truly unique country when a first-generation college student and first-generation immigrant who didn’t speak a word of English in 1999 can become a Fulbright scholar while training at one of the nation's top hospitals.


I have always wanted to make international collaboration a cornerstone of my career as a scientist because diversity of thought and training are truly integral to the success of our research - and in turn to the options that we are able to provide patients. I am excited about the Fulbright program because their goals are so well-aligned with my own. They have a reputation for helping students establish relationships with communities all over the world in many different fields.

住在瑞士不仅能促进我的项目和培训, 同时也是探索瑞士文化的绝佳机会. 花了很多时间徒步旅行, 在中西部攀岩和做瑜伽, I am excited to meet the Swiss communities around these outdoor hobbies and take advantage of the natural beauty of Switzerland's iconic mountains and hiking trails. 作为一名狂热的厨师, I will be able to learn more about Swiss history by learning to make traditional dishes such as raclette.

I will be leaving for Switzerland in September, if the pandemic is under control by then.

"I really feel that being selected as a Fulbright Scholar is the realization of my 'American Dream'." -Nazanin齐米。


目前,我正在攻读免疫学博士学位. I study how the maternal immune system is reactivated at the end of pregnancy to help induce labor and how this activation can cause pre-eclampsia and pre-term labor when dysregulated. I will be spending the final year of my doctorate as a Fulbright Scholar at the University of Geneva to establish an ongoing collaboration between our institutes. 然后我将回到梅奥完成医学院学业. 

I’m passionate about these areas of research because they are integral to the health of women around the world. Pre-eclampsia and pre-term labor are leading causes of maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality. Currently, diagnostics and treatment are lacking for the majority of these complications. 通过了解其病理生理机制, 我们可以改善世界各地妇女和儿童的状况.

Ovarian cancer also presents a significant threat to women's health because it is often detected very late (stage III or IV) when current treatments are not as effective. Understanding the biology of this malignancy can help us provide earlier diagnoses and better treatments.

我想成为一名医生兼科学家,为他人服务, and I have been incredibly fortunate to have the opportunity to train at an institution with the same dedication to service. 


I have always been interested in women's health because I really believe that women are the most integral part of our society. The health of women all over the world has undeniable implications for the health of every facet of our society from the health and success of our future generations to the global economy. 此外, 我们生活在这样一个时代, despite women all around the world making amazing progress toward our rights and fair treatment, 我们仍然面临着大量的偏见和虐待. I am dedicated to women's health because I believe in a world where every woman feels safe, 受到尊重和公平对待,能够毫无畏惧地追求自己的目标.

作为第一代大学生和第一代移民, 我一直都知道教育是最大的特权. I believe those of us fortunate enough to pursue our education undeterred have a duty to those who have not had the same opportunities. I am determined to use the amazing opportunities I have been given to serve women all over the world. 

I read a story where you said that your parents instilled the philosophy that women made this world and run this world. 他们的观点是如何影响你看待世界和自己的?

我父母把我培养成一个女权主义者. In a world where women are not treated equally and do not get to enjoy the same freedoms as men, 我的父母决心要教导我和我妹妹,那些观点是错误的. 我们的教育是他们最优先考虑的,也是我们搬到美国的原因. 我爸爸一直致力于培养坚强、无畏、自力更生、独立的女孩. 我记得我很年轻,对很多事情都很害怕. 我爸爸总是说:“勇往直前,不要害怕!"

“作为第一代大学生和第一代移民, 我一直都知道教育是最大的特权."


自1946年以来, 富布赖特专家项目资助了数十万名学生, 学者, 老师, 所有背景和领域的艺术家和专业人士学习的机会, 教授和进行研究, 交流思想,为解决重大国际问题作出贡献. 迄今为止,还有18名校友获得了富布赖特奖.

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