
Bloch grad 和 former basketball player is a Dallas Black Chamber of Commerce vice president

Our ongoing story starts with people from around the world, converging here at UMKC. 了解我们的人,你就会知道UMKC是什么.

玉罐头商 ' 12
学术计划: 《企业管理——市场营销. 布洛赫管理学院
家乡: 峡谷,德克萨斯

杰德·廷纳经营着她的公关公司, JTBE墨水, while serving as vice president of community investment for the Dallas Black Chamber of Commerce.


I’m currently the vice president of community investment for the Dallas Black Chamber of Commerce. 在我的位置上, 我制定和实施战略计划,以确保沟通, programming 和 corporate relations are effective 和 support the mission 和 goals of the DBCC 和 deepen the organization’s impact in the community. 

仅仅是篮球让你来到UMKC吗? 校园或这段经历还有什么吸引你的地方?

篮球让我认识了UMKC, 但校园和教练组是影响我决定加入UMKC的因素. 我也喜欢它离我的家乡很远的事实. 我已经准备好体验一些新的东西了.


有机会参加体育以外的其他活动. 在我任职期间,我曾担任非裔美国学生会的财务主管, 赢得了布莱克小姐 & 黄金选美 我是Delta Sigma Pi的成员.


我一直知道我会拥有一些东西, 我需要尽我所能学习商业及其所有功能. 作为一个有创意的人,市场营销似乎对我最有意义.


The main challenge in the marketing field is the broad overgeneralized definition of “marketing.” With technology changing daily, new marketing trends emerge as soon as you learn the last one. But the challenge of competing with yourself daily to be better than the day before is exciting.


营销在这个时代是数字化的一切. 对于像我这样有创造力的人来说, 这给了我们一个真正跳出常规的机会, (因为现在是正常的?), think outside the box 和 explore, test 和 improve new 和 existing marketing efforts.

Has the discipline of 成为一名运动员 helped you in any way as far as digging in 和 getting through this challenging time?

绝对. 我总是说篮球是我的初恋,也是我的启蒙老师. It taught me to really buckle down 和 work hard on myself to be in the best shape possible or  –  in the best headspace possible  –  to accomplish everything going on. 球场外, I still have to make sure that I'm taking care of myself 和 I'm taking care of business.

跟我说说你的生意吧. 你在做什么,它是如何发展的,它是如何运作的?

这很像大学. 我总是说我已经习惯了忙碌, 尤其是打篮球和参加校园其他组织. 我总是说. 这仍然是我操作的空间.  我想忙起来. 我想做点什么. 我想帮助别人.

"The main challenge in the marketing field is the broad overgeneralized definition of 'marketing.'" — 玉罐头商

As the vice president of community investment for the Dallas Black Chamber of Commerce, 我们提倡创造, 北德克萨斯地区黑人企业的发展和总体福利. I was on the board of directors before taking the full-time role as marketing director.

我创立了统一资源基金会,或者我们的基金会. 最大的倡议是为12至18岁的年轻男性提供指导. We're actually getting ready to implement the program in a local high school here in Texas.

慈善事业和商业的结合似乎是你使命的一部分. Has giving back always been something that you've been interested in doing even before you were working?

I think it just comes naturally 和 I feel like it’s what we're supposed to do -- or at least what I'm supposed to do.


有些回馈是后天习得的行为. 还有一部分是为了看到我妈妈工作有多努力, 我的祖母工作,我的曾祖父母也工作. 是他们灌输给我的.


所以,无论我是在家做饭还是出去吃饭,我都喜欢给人们做饭. 我喜欢提供一种体验, 无论是通过我们组织的活动来帮助这些小男孩, 或者是通过密室进行的活动或项目.

In your opinion what are the most important areas a business owner should be focused on right now. 黑人拥有的企业和一般企业有什么不同吗?

在需要关注的重点上没有分歧, 但我们在获得资本的方式上存在差异.

I think the main focus for 2021 is obtaining enough financial capital to sustain the business. 你要怎么得到它? 你在申请政府救济资金吗? 您与金融机构的关系如何?

One of the major differences for Black-owned businesses or minority-owned business is the lack of relationships with their financial institutions. A lot of people in the United States discovered that when the first round of relief funding happened.

“我想忙起来. 我想做点什么. 我想帮助别人.——玉罐头商

Another really big takeaway from 2020 is that business owners should focus on being virtually 和 digitally present. 我们需要做长期规划. 目前还不知道这种情况何时会结束. 那么,你的生意将如何维持下去呢?

然后一旦这个 is “结束”,生意将会完全不同. So, you need to know how your business is going to be able to stay up with the new technologies 和 how services are provided.


这场大流行改变了很多事情. 例如, we know there's money that can be saved because now we know that people can work from home effectively.

除了, a lot of new businesses have been created within the year because people lost their jobs 和 they had to figure out ways to stay alive. 他们可能已经把副业变成了全职的收入来源. 我们看到很多这样的新企业来到商会.

你在社交媒体上发表了关于关注女性创造财富的文章. 为什么这是你的首要任务?

特别是对我来说,我在男性主导的行业工作过. 我们大多数人都有, 和, 成为一名运动员, I always dealt with assumptions like the idea of boys being better at h和ling the ball than girls. 我希望这种心态能够改变.

I’m responsible for corporate partnerships 和 external communication at the chamber. I wanted to see what our history was in these areas 和 women’s names are very, very scarce.  It’s been one of my focal points as a part of the staff to recognize that Black women are making contributions to our community 和 our business community.

"I always dealt with assumptions like the idea of boys being better at h和ling the ball than girls. 我希望这种心态能够改变.——玉罐头商

Right now, Black women are the number one leading demographic in the state of Texas for new startups. 所以,有必要让人们注意到这一点,这是令人惊讶的. 尽管如此,这些业务的平均收入仍在4万美元左右. 想象一下,4万美元是你唯一的收入来源 为你的事业提供资金.

So, it's very important to feed financial capital into these businesses as well as social capital, because networking with like-minded people – like-minded business owners – that you can partner with 和 collaborate with is part of our focus.


改变世界! Within that there are some milestones to accomplish all for the betterment of our communities. 







我不是第一个上大学的,但我是第一个从大学毕业的. I’m the manifestation of all of the hard work my mom, gr和mother, 和 great gr和parents put in.


我知道我绝对是一个城市女孩! Being in Kansas City opened my mind to all of the possibilities that are out there in the U.S. 在世界各地. I also learned how to be an adult, overcome obstacles 和 persevere through hard times.


我在堪萨斯城最喜欢的地方是爵士乐区. 这么多的历史和文化在一个集中的地区.


找一个导师, 找到你的朋友圈, 参与, 节省你的钱,享受你的整个经历.


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