
蒂姆•阮 finds inspiration in faculty and fellow students alike

Our ongoing story starts with people from around the world, converging here at UMKC. 了解我们的人,你就会知道UMKC是什么.

家乡: 密苏里州李的峰会
高等学校: 李的顶峰西高中
学术计划: 生物学B.S(牙科预科)及化学B.A
预计毕业年份: 2022年5月 


我选择了UMKC,因为它成了我的家外之家. The people I have met at UMKC and in Kansas City are some of the most impactful individuals who have helped me achieve my academic and professional endeavors.


我选择了朝着B的方向学习和工作.S. 我获得了生物学学士学位和B.A. in Chemistry to prepare me for dental school with a business minor.


One benefit of the program is that everybody knows everybody else as a biology and/or chemistry major. 你能够与其他人形成一个亲密的社区. There will be nobody else that will be as supportive towards your success than some of the people you will meet during your time at UMKC.


我的大学课程激励我向老师学习, 更聪明的顾问和高年级学生, smarter and more hard working than me so I can continue to grow. I see them as mentors and role models and I want to embrace and embody their good qualities.

"There will be nobody else that will be as supportive towards your success than some of the people you will meet during your time at UMKC.——蒂姆•阮


我明白了我可以做任何事,但我不能做所有事. 动力有时来了又去,但激情是永恒的. 我学会了在不舒服中变得舒适. 我的心态是每天用110%的精力去生活.

你是第一代大学生吗? 如果是这样,这对你意味着什么?

No, my parents were born in Vietnam, but had some college here in America. My mom went to a small college and my dad had some community college and then transferred. I am the first in my family and extended family to be born in the United States and to go to college.

I have nothing but respect for my parents as they left Vietnam by boat to come to America, 逃离那里的共产党人. I want to make the most of my life here as I would not have the life and opportunities here if my parents never risked their lives leaving Vietnam.


I met 约瑟夫•艾伦 during 生物学Bootcamp my freshman year and have never heard anything negative said about him during my time at UMKC. He is approachable - a role model - and I view him as a one of many mentors. 他的谦逊和风度使人心悦诚服. He was an individual that everybody knew, and he never had to introduce himself in a room.


What’s the best piece of advice you have ever received from a professor?



This fall semester I’ll serve as president for the UMKC Student Government Association. 我将担任助理协调员 学术支持和指导补充说明 在秋天以及领导 生物学荣誉讨论小组在过去的两年里,我一直领导着这个项目.

我和Dr. 贝内维德斯学了三个学期, 大学第二学期的普通化学课, 有机化学博士的助教. 在过去的秋季和春季学期.

我将在住宿生活部工作, 我也喜欢花时间在校内活动上, 比如足球和排球,当我开始在UMKC上大学的时候.


你有奖学金吗? 它们对你意味着什么?

The UMKC受托人奖学金 has given me the blessing to expose myself to all the opportunities UMKC has to offer and the networking connections of individuals in the community wanting to see me succeed.

Receiving this monetary scholarship has tremendously reduced the financial burden for my family, 让我安心. It will allow me to continue to pursue my professional and academic aspirations, 我真的很感激. This generous financial support has given me more time to really serve students at UMKC through being able to be as involved I can.

“During these internships, I learned, “If you see it, you can be it.——蒂姆•阮

你有过实习/工作见习吗? 你在实习期间学到了什么? 

After my freshman year I was a Bluford Scholar in the Bluford Healthcare Leadership Institute (BHLI.)  After my sophomore year, I spent a week with a program piloted by BHLI and partnered with the (Stowers研究所 就在UMKC对面. During these internships, I learned, “If you see it, you can be it.“今年夏天,我将进行项目的第二阶段.

What do you hope to take from your experiences at UMKC into your professional career?

I hope to take lessons which will prepare me to embrace all the setbacks that I may encounter and obstacles I must confront. I truly feel that UMKC has given me the culture and energy to give 110% in every task in front of me. 我想最大限度地发挥我的天赋,成为一个与众不同的人, 他是变革的催化剂,也是我所在社区的人, not just in it for what my professional career may have in store for me.


有意的. 我抓住我可以从中学习的机会. These invaluable opportunities may be labor-intensive, hard, rare and sometimes definitely not easy. 然而,所有这些都是值得的. I love to listen to others and be open minded so I can lead better and become better. Some of the best ideas have come from listening to other students’ voices that helped me make an idea reality.



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