Veteran Hopes to Create New Worlds Through Video Games

Eric Quinones is pursuing an art degree after serving in the Air Force
Eric Quinones stands in front of the Fine Arts building

袋鼠不仅会做梦,它们还会做梦. Our students turn ideas into action every day. Get to know our people and you’ll know what UMKC is all about.

Eric Quinones, 23岁
预计毕业年份: 2023
UMKC学位课程: B.A. 工作室艺术
家乡: 独立,莫

After seven years serving in the military, 来自《世界杯赌博盘口》的Eric Quinones, 密苏里州, 是在一条新的道路上吗. The junior in 工作室艺术 is pursuing his dream of becoming a video game designer and exceeding his own expectations along the way.

Why did you choose your field of study?

I hope to utilize my degree to get my dream job, which is a video game designer. I chose my field of study (工作室艺术) because it helps me gain a leverage on becoming a video game designer as far as putting the art in my background and in my portfolio to design more intricate stuff.

Eric works on a painting with consultation from a graduate assistant
Quinones said studying at UMKC has allowed him to explore new mediums of art
What inspired you to pursue video game design?

I’m an avid gamer and I enjoy video games. I wanted to create a video game of my own that would have good storytelling and drama rather than just guns and swords and killing. So the art is art of the gaming itself. Creating visual art within a 3-D world that doesn’t exist.


The benefits of the program are to build up a portfolio, as well as building up your art background to find out what kind of art styles you like, 无论是绘画, 绘画或摄影. 密苏里大学堪萨斯分校有很棒的师资队伍.

Since entering college, what have you learned about yourself?

I’ve learned that I can achieve more than what I thought. 我在学校一直表现不好, 但现在我上大学了, I’ve passed my first two years and I’m working on my third year, which is beyond my comprehension of what I used to be.

你有奖学金吗? 它们对你意味着什么?

我有《世界杯赌博盘口》. I was in the Air Force from 2010-2017 and went on two deployments, one in Cuba and one in Qatar. 我在做暖通空调, so it’s a drastic switch; I can’t just come out of that and say, “我想做电子游戏.“所以我必须去上学. 《世界杯赌博盘口》带来了巨大的好处.

What do you hope to take from your experiences at UMKC into your professional career?

I hope to take this degree and all the forms of art to better advance my idea and scope of what I want to create as far as video games go. My old works can inspire me, as well as the writing I did in the basic writing courses. 这对我也有帮助. All the classes really do help out in general.

"I've learned that I can achieve more than what I thought." — 埃里克·奎诺内斯,工作室艺术专业大三学生

Eric stands outside Miller Nichols Library holding one of his paintings, which depicts a video game controller and military dog tags
Quinones served two deployments, one in Cuba and one in Qatar

非常支持,非常鼓励. Definitely in the beginning years, they know everyone is fresh out of high school. They’re trying to figure out their life. It’s the same with me, being a veteran and coming back into the real world. The faculty is very supportive, they help guide you to resources to help you along your path.

What are you most proud of during your time at UMKC?

I would say the art I’ve created because without the need to create art, the art wouldn’t exist. But I hope to pursue that a little more after school, that way I can get more of my art out there, more of my ideas and concepts out there.

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