

世界杯赌场盘口(University of Missouri-Kansas City)正在开展一项新举措,旨在打造一支更加多元化的教师队伍.

教师搜索支持团队现在与搜索委员会密切合作,以填补全职教师职位. Led by Makini King, interim vice chancellor for diversity and inclusion; and Diane Filion, vice provost for faculty affairs; the team helps search committee members implement evidence-based inclusive hiring strategies to recruit a diverse pool of applicants and to reduce bias in the review of applications.

这个概念是由一个教师多样性工作组开发的,该工作组是由Roos倡导社区变革发起的, 一个校长办公室项目,致力于确保密苏里大学堪萨斯分校成为一个欢迎所有人都能茁壮成长的地方.

“这个过程产生了非常有意和具体的建议,”金说. “教务长和校长一直非常支持,这是领导力的重中之重.”

按照工作组的建议行事, 教务长兼执行副校长Jennifer Lundgren批准了两名Diversity的招聘, 公平与包容研究员作为团队成员参加. The Fellows are Michelle Smirnova, associate professor of Sociology; and Sandy Rodriguez, associate dean of Libraries. 苏珊·汉金斯是团队的一员,她为人力资源招聘流程提供关键的指导, the campus Academic HR Specialist.

新团队的第一步是研究教师多样化的最佳实践, consulting with J. Luke Wood, 圣地亚哥州立大学教务长杰出教育教授, 全国公认的这方面的专家.

菲利昂说:“我们确定了我们可以产生影响的两个最重要的地方. “首先是职位描述的措辞,以及广告的投放方式和位置. 其次是招聘委员会如何评估申请者, 重点是在这个过程中减少偏见的策略.”


这些材料包括如何编写包容性的职位描述. 建议遴选委员会清楚明确地传达大学对招聘的承诺等因素, retention, and promotion of underrepresented faculty; consideration of applicants who have had nontraditional career paths; and willingness to offer broad opportunities for candidates to demonstrate evidence of teaching effectiveness. 该文件指出,学生评价经常对女性有偏见, faculty of color, 以及其他历史上被边缘化的群体.

材料还包括包容性招聘计划工作表. UMKC要求教师搜索有一个包容性招聘计划(IRP)作为搜索过程的一个组成部分. IRP要求搜索委员会列出旨在吸引不同申请人的具体行动, such as identifying scholars in the field from underrepresented backgrounds and requesting they circulate the job posting to their professional networks; and identifying graduate programs recognized for having high numbers of underrepresented graduates in the field and reaching out to those departments with a request for the job posting to be shared with their advanced doctoral students and alumni.

Throughout the process, 该团队与搜索委员会成员一起审查策略, 设计包容性的面试问题,避免常见错误, 重点是识别偏见并将其影响降到最低. 

Published: Feb 16, 2022

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