
Remington 威廉姆斯 receives ceremonial commencement hood from Dean 芭芭拉·格莱斯纳:罚款

雷明顿·威廉姆斯(J.D. 他是一个天生的领导者,一个有爱心的人,取得了很多成就, 被帮助他人的热情所驱使.

雷明顿头像威廉姆斯, 密苏里大学策展委员会的学生代表, died in a car accident 6月 8 on his way to get some food after a night of studying for the bar exam. 当时他25岁,刚从UMKC法学院毕业, 他是法律评论和荣誉法庭的成员.

作为策展人委员会的学生代表, 威廉姆斯 served as the students’ voice to the governing body of the University of Missouri System, 包括UMKC, 密苏里-哥伦比亚大学, 密苏里科技大学和密苏里大学圣路易斯分校. 路易. 他就读于马萨诸塞大学的MBA课程.

人们从密苏里州和其他地方赶来,参加他6月15日在圣路易斯市举行的葬礼. 堪萨斯城的安德鲁圣公会教堂. 随后在UMKC学生会举行了招待会. Curator Robin Wenneker and UM System President Mun Choi were among those who spoke at the church service.

“I think Remington would be so pleased that we have come together to support each other. 他总有办法把人们聚在一起. 这让我笑了. 我们今天的出席就是一个证明。.


“他珍惜他的每一段感情, spanning from childhood through high school and on through Georgetown College and stints at two different UM universities. 他的朋友会从肯塔基州过来, 俄亥俄州和田纳西州, 在其他地方, 去密苏里看望他,因为他们知道他们对他有多重要, 他对他们说.”

她的结论是, “I encourage all of us to do our utmost to live up to the high bar Remington set for kindness, 同情和努力做最好的自己. In doing so we pay tribute to the amazing life Remington led and the amazing life that was ahead of him.”

崔顺实分享了州长的信息. Mike Parson: “Remington was a great young man and impressive leader who was taken far too soon. 我们感谢他为同行所做的贡献, UM系统的策展人委员会和密苏里州,崔引用了知事的话.


“His presence made this state, our communities – and each of us – better,” Choi said. “他是策展人委员会(Board of Curators)学生兴趣的热情倡导者. He was also a trusted advisor who helped advance our mission of service and excellence.”

“我印象最深的是他标志性的微笑. 它总是温暖而诱人,”崔说. “他是生活的学生,他不断探索,扩大自己的视野.”

朋友和同事都记得他参与其中, 坚定乐观, 具有感染力的积极乐观的态度.

“Remington was a true role model who set an example for student leadership in a way that impressed students, 教职员工,UMKC主席Mauli Agrawal说. “He accomplished so much and impacted the lives of so many in his all too brief time with us.” 威廉姆斯 was honored with a moment of silence at the UMKC Board of Trustees meeting 6月 13.

克莱尔·西普, 2022年毕业于密苏里大学, served as executive director of the Associated Students of the University of Missouri, the student-led organization that advocates for student interests at the state level.

“我们真的是仅有的两个人在全系统范围内担任学生领导角色, 我们在这上面成键了. 但除此之外,我们也成为了很好的朋友。. “他是如此完美,如此聪明,但仍然是一个真正的人. 他确保每个人在他所在的任何空间都很舒服.”


“他关心那些他为之奋斗的人. 他肩负着这75个人的重担,000名学生, but he would overcome those challenges with such grace and still maintain a fun-loving attitude,”她说。. “他是我会去找的人,让我重新振作起来,找到希望.”

Remington had a lifelong history of taking on leadership roles and taking personal responsibility for making a difference in people’s lives. 他的母亲, 科莱特琼斯, recalled his resolve at the age of about 10 to help turn around the life of a homeless man he encountered on a church mission trip.

Their church youth group would make sandwiches and take them to encampments of homeless people. On one visit, a man known as “Sonny” ran away in fear when the church group stopped by.


桑尼后来告诉我,他终于停下来,转过身来, 当他看着雷米的眼睛时, 他知道雷米是安全的,琼斯说. 桑尼停止, 他们说, and that launched a three-year effort by 威廉姆斯 and his family to get Sonny off the streets and into an apartment. 从那以后,桑尼一直住在家里, paying rent with Social Security and pension payments that 威廉姆斯 helped him obtain and volunteering on homeless outreach by the Salvation Army. 他仍然是威廉姆斯家族的亲密朋友.

威廉姆斯继续在彭布罗克山学校读高中, 在那里他参加了学校赞助的去危地马拉小村庄的服务之旅, 从事体力劳动,如挖厕所.

“That’s why he got a degree in Spanish as well as business (at Georgetown College in Georgetown, Kentucky) – so he could go back there and continue working directly with the villagers,琼斯说. 当我还是本科生的时候, 他继续定期前往危地马拉, 独自一人, 去最贫穷的村庄工作.

他的父亲, 马蒂·威廉姆斯, 是他的棒球教练,点燃了雷明顿对运动的毕生热爱. 马蒂·威廉姆斯也引导他的儿子成为鹰级童军.

威廉姆斯’ passion for sports led to an autograph-seeking hobby that he pursued with typical zeal. It eventually evolved into a profitable online business selling autographs to other collectors.

在乔治敦, 雷明顿担任学生会主席(2017-2018), president of his fraternity (2018-2019) and vice president of the Georgetown Activities Council (2018-2019). 威廉姆斯 also served in various capacities for the men’s basketball team and was an active member of both the Accountability Board and Honor Council.

Each year’s graduating class at Georgetown elects one of their own to be commencement speaker. 2019届毕业生选择了威廉姆斯.

He was also a proud graduate of the National Leadership Conference in Shelby, Michigan.

As much as the limelight shone on him, he always looked to share it freely and widely, friends said.

策展人Michael A. 威廉姆斯, 一位律师, knew Remington 威廉姆斯 as both a student representative and as an aspiring law student.

“Remington was the most dedicated and focused young man I have ever met,” Michael 威廉姆斯 said. 每当他和别人说话的时候, 他会让他们觉得他们是房间里唯一的人.”

“看到有人如此努力工作真是太棒了, 努力成为最好的自己, and still be committed to helping other people be the best that they could be as well.”

在董事会会议上, Wenneker说, he loved to present examples of the accomplishments of other students from the four universities.

“他还带了其他人一起. 这从来都不是他一个人的事。. 

Wenneker说 it was his commitment to representing the entire student body of the system that led him to enroll in the online MBA program at UMSL in 2021. He believed he would be a better representative by being enrolled in multiple universities.

Wenneker recalled 威廉姆斯 deciding to bring the student government presidents from the four universities, 和西普, 一起去看密苏里大学的橄榄球赛.

“他们在一起玩得很开心. 他为他们感到骄傲. 他们都是本科生,而他在法学院, 所以他扮演了顾问的角色,温纳克说.

威廉姆斯被任命为学生代表的策展人. 迈克·帕森,2020年7月. The UM System’s Office of General Counsel had recently extended an offer of a fellowship to him for the summer.


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