Hog Farm to Courtroom: Student Pursues a Career in Agriculture Law

丹尼尔Foose found an affinity for agriculture while working at a hog farm; now he wants to focus his future law practice in that industry
Portrait of 丹尼尔Foose in UMKC law library

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给n his chosen career arc, you’d be tempted to assume that 丹尼尔Foose grew up on a farm. 不是这样的.

“While my family did not own a farm or have anything to do with farming, I was fortunate enough to grow up around farming 和 agriculture,他说. 高中的时候, I was very involved in FFA (a national agriculture education 和 leadership program) 和 earned my American FFA Degree. While in high school 和 even through college, I worked at a hog farm in Marshall.”

While earning his undergraduate degree at Northwest Missouri State University, he set a course for a career in criminal law. He interned for the Nodaway County prosecutor, shadowed the Nodaway County associate circuit judge 和 eventually worked for the Saline County prosecutor in Marshall.

A local internship convinced him to make a course correction.

“在11年后的夏天, I had the opportunity to work as an intern for Seaboard Corporation, a Fortune 500 agribusiness company located just outside of Kansas City in Merriam,狐狸说。. “Seaboard是猪肉的主要产地, 和 I knew about them from my time working at the hog farm in high school 和 college. 在暑期实习之后, Seaboard graciously offered me the opportunity to stay 和 work as a law clerk for Seaboard Foods.”

长期, he plans to begin his career in general business litigation, then move to a focus on litigation involving agribusiness.

“My education at UMKC has been challenging, yet fulfilling,他说. “I have enjoyed learning from professors who are passionate about the law 和 the areas they teach, 和 I appreciate the variety of classes that are offered. Both the professors 和 the law school take seriously the charge of preparing the next generation of lawyers, which is a huge benefit to myself 和 all who attend UMKC 法学院.”


I chose UMKC because it is relatively affordable 和 close to home. Additionally, I have known 和 admired several attorneys that went to UMKC 法学院.


I chose the legal field because I knew it would put me in a great position to help others. Additionally, I had an absolutely wonderful advisor 和 mentor, Dan Smith, Ph.D.密苏里州立大学西北分校. Smith 和 the other great professors helped me in my decision to pursue a law degree.


Law school is dem和ing – mentally, emotionally 和 financially. 对我来说, the biggest challenge has been balancing my time so that 我是 able to fulfill my personal obligations while in law school.


My law school peers are some of the most talented 和 intelligent people I have ever met. I have had professional opportunities that I would have never thought possible. Most importantly, I have made lifelong friendships in law school.


I have achieved far more than I anticipated when I first started law school at UMKC. Finding academic success in law school gave me the confidence to go 和 seek out opportunities, 无论是个人还是职业, 否则我是不会这么做的.

Since entering college, what have you learned about yourself?

I have learned that the difficulties 和 hardships you endure will only prevent you from being successful if you let them. No matter where you are from or what you have been through, you can accomplish anything.  

你是第一代大学生吗? 如果是这样,这对你意味着什么?

我是 not a first-generation college student. My mother made the brave decision to go to college after my father passed away 和 successfully graduated with her bachelor’s degree. 我是, 然而, the first person in my family to go to law school (or graduate school in general) 和 will be the first lawyer in my family.

Who/What do you admire most at UMKC 和 why?

我羡慕我的同学. My class started law school while the p和emic was in full swing, 和, 甚至通过Zoom类, 从来没有下雪天, 我们度过了难关.


