Student Bridges Generational Divide With Music


When most college students walk into their residence hall, they are surrounded by other students their age. 贝丝·克里斯滕森(Beth Christensen)是她家里最年轻的人,比她小了大约50岁.

 “我一直认为,关于人最重要的事情不是关于他们的事实,” Christensen said. “The people here may be 50 or 60 years older than me, but that’s not essential to who they are as people. 随着我在这里建立的关系,我更加欣赏这一点.”

Christensen, 他是密苏里大学堪萨斯城音乐学院钢琴演奏专业的研究生, lives in Claridge Court senior living facility in Prairie Village,  15 minutes away from campus. 作为居留权的交换,她举办音乐会,并定期为居民提供现场音乐. 克里斯滕森于2023年7月搬到克拉里奇苑,作为住校学生在那里住了一年. In doing so, 她允许克拉里奇法院深化他们对代际编程的承诺, 使他们成为该地区唯一一个拥有这种合作关系的退休社区.

克里斯滕森说:“作为表演者,与观众建立关系真的很有趣. “In the beginning, 我不会做太不寻常的事情——有时我会带一个歌手, or I would play classical music. 当我感觉更舒服的时候,我就会尝试新的东西,播放最近的音乐. Sometimes people wouldn’t like it, and they let me know. Others love to see where the future of music is going. 能够询问人们想听什么样的音乐并将其纳入我的曲目是很有趣的.”

Video from KMBC 9

作为她生活安排的一部分,克里斯滕森被鼓励融入社区. 从瑜伽和椅子排球到吃晚餐和拜访比她年长几代的邻居, she’s become a full-fledged resident of Claridge Court.

“I’m just part of the community, and it’s awesome,” Christensen said. “There’s a lot of special connections I’ve made. My friend Pat was an educator, and I’m a piano teacher. 她对如何帮助那些挣扎的孩子有很好的想法,我总是可以问她的建议. We do puzzles together, take walks and go to dinner. I tell her about shows I’m watching. She’s been a great friend, and she’s just one example. I feel so nurtured by these friendships.”

克里斯滕森在克拉里奇苑的出现是高级生活设施和UMKC音乐学院合作的结果. 这是克拉里奇法院在社区中培养的众多伙伴关系之一, 作为他们对代际计划和回馈社区的承诺的一部分.

Beth plays the piano, 周围都是克拉里奇法院的居民,他们坐在椅子上倾听

“UMKC音乐学院与其他国家认可的机构的部分区别在于我们与堪萨斯城社区根深蒂固的联系,” said Courtney Crappell, dean of the UMKC Conservatory. “这次合作证明了我们有能力为学生提供以社区为中心的学习机会,因为我们利用艺术的力量来积极影响生活.”


该合作伙伴关系得到了克拉里奇法院居民查理和玛丽·凯·霍纳的支持, who have been deeply involved with the Conservatory. The Horners were part of the process to bring this partnership to life, including choosing Christensen as the student-in-residence.

“贝丝已经成为我们社区不可或缺的一部分,我们非常激动,” Mary Kay Horner said. “目睹她与居民之间的联系是非常令人欣慰的.”

作为一名表演者,克里斯滕森表演的大多数观众都是陌生人. 当她在克拉里奇法院演出时,她的观众都是熟悉的面孔. 她非常珍惜与一屋子朋友一起玩游戏的独特体验.

克里斯滕森说:“如此了解我的听众是我以前从未经历过的事情. “It makes the music more special; it’s been a really cool experience to play for an audience that feel likes family. They really care about me as a person and a musician.”

Beth plays a piano, a student plays the violin standing next to her

Rob Salierno, executive director of Claridge Court, 说克里斯滕森的存在带来的好处远远超出了她的音乐才能.

“这种独特的合作关系丰富了我们的住院医生和Beth的生活, fostering invaluable relationships,” Salierno said. “Her musical gifts, 有意义的存在和互动显著提高了每个人的生活质量.”

音乐学院副院长安德鲁·格拉纳德(Andrew Granade)负责该学院的合作.  他认为,这种体验对住校学生来说是独一无二的丰富.

“As a UMKC student, 你周围有很多和你年龄相仿的人,他们有着相似的目标和抱负,” Granade said. “走出那个舒适区,向别人学习,分享人生经验和生活经验,这是一次非常丰富的学习经历,可以以难以想象的方式扩展你的视野。.”


“Music is such a connecting force. It bridges the divisions that exist between people,” she said. “有机会与一个比我年长几代人的社区建立联系是如此特别. 这些联系不会消除我们之间的差异,但它能帮助我们真正欣赏彼此. It’s been such a beautiful experience.”

Beth's story has been publicized by KCTV 5, KMBC 9 and the Johnson County Post.

Learn more about Conservatory

Published: Apr 29, 2024

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